A blog…

2021 is already a banger!

I’m just hear trying to make the most sense out of the world as it seems possible to make. I needed a place to compose my thoughts. I could write them in a book, as I usually do, but I recently listened to a podcast by my friend Blake Rupert “Rupert Radio”, which was encouraging other’s to go public

My hope is that starting a blog might open up dialogue which leads to further learning and understanding of the world and people around me. If nothing else, I’m confident it will show me the workings of my own consciousnesses, ego, implicit biases, and straight up ignorance. I’ve lived a privileged life and I’m coming to recognize that. I dwell in a comfy-ass bed with a beautiful companion in a warm-assed house in a safe neighbourhood while working part-time and going to full time University, all on the Unceded traditional territories of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh people.
In short, life has been kind to me, and it is my intention to make the most of it, and give back where I can.

I’ve been a long time journal-er. To push it even further, I’d say I’m a very avid advocater for the advantages which are inherently entwined within the context of keeping a journal.

It’s like a therapist you could keep in your pocket, yo!

“I’m not really a writerrrr…….”
People tell me this but they are lying to themselves. I can’t blame them, it’s intimidating to start!

In my opinion, the way to become a writer is through the act of writing for yourself. Embrace the awkwardness of engaging in the experience of LISTENING to the Self, through the medium of writing. There’s a lot going on in there. If your head is like mine its probably playing 2 songs on repeat while trying to remember the lyrics to three others. In order for us to truly slow down enough to appreciate the subtle nuance of the everyday life, we need to prioritize self care and focus our attention on the spaces between the larger events of daily life. We need to search the cracks for the moments of stillness, breath slowly and gently into those spaces and expand them so we can occupy that space more fully, every time we come back. We must make these spaces our sanctuaries, a place of love we can always come back to.

Learn to appreciate the little moments in between.

Journaling is a tool we can use to cultivate awareness of each present moment and unify ourselves with the inner voice of our truest Self. A blank page is a mirror we stare into and our soul’s stare back. To be honest with the page is the quickest way to get to know that inner light which guides your intuition.
And a heightened intuition is always a good thing, Right?

Well thats about it for my daily wisdom. If I make these ‘blogs’ any longer I’m sure no-one will read them [they’re mostly for me anyways(lol)]

Stay true <3
